CRA’s request for additional information from you

Your personal income tax return has been filed and you have received your notice of assessment that does not indicate any issues with the information filed. Then, you received a letter from CRA requesting additional information.

Receiving this letter is an indication that your return has been selected for review. Your return may have been selected at random, there may be conflicting information between what was filed and the information they have received from a third-party source, or there may be unusual changes from prior returns filed.

Regardless of the reason, it is important to note that receiving this letter is not an indication that you have been selected for a tax audit. The intent of this letter is to simply obtain evidence to support information included on the filed return. It is crucial to respond to their request for information in a timely manner.

What to do when I receive a request for information letter?

Review the letter in detail and identify what you are being asked to provide. Identify the information and support that you have and what you will need time to obtain. Generally, a response is required within 30 days from the date of the letter. If an extension is required, the CRA is generally willing to give you one. If a response is not received, CRA will adjust the return accordingly and this could result in a balance owing.

The response should be complete, organized, and include explanations for missing or incomplete information, where necessary. Please note that the response should always include the reference number located in the top right corner of the letter you received from the CRA.

Be sure to contact Ritchie Shortt & Tully LLP if you have any questions or would like our assistance!

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